Scotopic Camera System
An ultra low light deep camera system
Conceived to fill the gap in abyssopelagic exploration.
Ultra high resolution video and images in extreme low light environments.
The Sony UMC is the unblinking eye of the system. Using Sony’s latest model creates opportunities to capture images in the low light situations found in the abyssopelagic regions of our oceans.
Lensing includes the SONY SEL 35mm Prime and the Sony SEL 28-135mm telephoto

With a total length of less than half a meter, the titanium housing and glass dome are rated for deeper than 6000m. The 18cm diameter housing is designed for minimal hydrodynamic impact.
Chassis alignment pins are built into the dome cap, insuring chassis stability and lens alignment.
The Mono Telemetry Transceiver enables communication and live streaming via a single fiber optic line.
Real time camera control via Marine Imaging’s UMC Hand Controller or computer software

- Sony UMC S3C-A Camera, controllable via computer or Marine Imaging’s UMC Hand Controller
- 43cm x 18cm Titanium housing with tempered glass dome
- Internal barometric pressure, humidity and leak detection monitored via RS232 or hand controller
- Lensing options include SONY SEL 35mm Prime and the SEL 28-135mm telephoto
- Prevco Pressure Release Valve
- Rated for 6500m sea water
- Accepts 18 – 36Vdc through the MCBH4M connector
- Available for sale or rent.